
Saturday 4 January 2014

Twenty Fourteen: My thoughts so far

Thought number one. I'm not a *big* lass, but I did put on just under a stone last year. Although it'd be nice to lose it again, for health reasons with a sprinkling of vanity, I'm still in the 'healthy weight' range, so it doesn't bother me too much. But then, like a hideous, flapping moth of doom, Christmas was approaching, and MAN do I love Christmas food. December is the month to get fat and not give a fuck.

But what happened to me? I lost my appetite. I had a mere THREE roast potatoes at Christmas dinner. I have lost 4 lbs. What the hell, body?! Where was this lack of interest in the summer, when three Magnums in a row felt like a good idea?! Screw you FOREVER. *spews hatred*

Anyway. I'm rubbish with food, but I'm worse with exercise. I will try to get fit this year. I struggle with it; no money for the gym, too paranoid to go for a run and risk anyone seeing me (I wish I was lying when I say that this is what I'm like, but...), but I have a plan. Half an hour of mum dancing a day. Stick some ABBA on, and jump around my living room. That'll do it.

Thought number two. Wine. Why must you tempt me and make me behave like such a fool? I mean... I love you, but... all you do is hurt me. We need to spend some time apart this year.

Ha, yeah! I don't believe me either. I must try to cut down on the drunk tweeting though. The internet doesn't need to know that 'I'd rather have a man than a kitten'. Which absolutely isn't true. I think. Maybe? What? I don't know.

Thought number three. I really like lazy days. On lazy days, I usually have a long, afternoon shower, which is where I do most of my thinking and planning. This week's lazy shower idea: I'm going to re-write The Hobbit for my child, using beans.

I have two baby sisters. Considering they turn 18 and 20 this year, I should stop calling them that. But when they were midgets, I used to make up stories for them about a bean called Bernie, who tried very hard to get on with everyday life, but struggled, due to a lack of limbs. Because, y'know... he's a bean. Look, kids love it, okay? And my child loves it too. But no matter what I do, I can't seem to get him into The Hobbit. Well, I'm sorry, but no child of mine is going to grow up not knowing the story of Bilbo Baggins. So... I'm going to shorten it down. Draw some pictures. Add some beans. He'll love it.

And a bit of reflection. 2012 ended with a difficult break-up, and 99% of my friends disappearing. I didn't have high hopes for 2013 (plus, it's an odd number. I don't like odd numbers. Did you just give me three Tic-Tacs? You will die now).

But... it was a brilliant year! I met some amazing people, who live far too far away, but I was lucky enough to spend an amazing weekend with a few of them in November. Geekocracy started, which is the best idea I've ever had (apart from my bean stories). It was the year I became more smiley and positive, finally kicking depression in the balls and laughing in it's face while waving around happy flags and throwing glitter everywhere.

And 2014 is looking like it's going to be pretty great too! I have a few goals: lose that stone, get a bit more fit, find a job (I do not like unemployment... not one bit), get through my OU course, read more books (I'm aiming for 30, but I hope I'll be able to go over that), stop being such a tit when it comes to the opposite sex, and... yeah. I think that's it.